Where Japanese share their story.

© JAPANESE PODCAST. All rights reserved.

The podcast aims to delve into the diverse tapestry of Japanese culture by interviewing individuals from all prefectures and major cities, including Hokkaido, Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata, Fukushima, Niigata, Nagano, Ishikawa, Toyama, Fukui, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama, Okayama, Hiroshima, Tottori, Shimane, Yamaguchi, Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi, Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Okinawa, and Tokyo. By exploring the stories, traditions, and perspectives of individuals from each region, the podcast seeks to foster a deeper understanding of Japan's rich cultural heritage and promote unity and appreciation among its diverse population. Through these interviews, listeners will gain insights into the unique experiences and values that shape the identities of people across Japan, ultimately promoting cultural exchange and mutual respect.
Who is the audience and how big?
Business professionals. Our network is growing everyday with each conversation and we focus on connecting interviewees with our network.What topics will we discuss?
The podcast questions tab provides all questions. Please answer them in order and submit one recording with all answers.Where is your podcast distributed?
Apple. Google, and Spotify.When will my episode be ready?
You will be contacted two weeks before publishing.Why me?
We proactively seek people with interesting backgrounds. We were either recommended to invite you or have decided to do so.How much does it cost to participate?
No cost.
This podcast is for PG audiences and contains no profanity.
Answer questions by stating the question before your response.
Submit one recording with all your answers in the exact order provided below.
Please review answers section for additional info you need to submit for publication.
Your podcast gets edited, finalized, and released after you submit all answers to questions.
Make sure to answer each question in the order presented below and indicate the question answered.YOUR INTRO | 1 - 2 MinutesWho are you? Introduce yourself.EXAMPLE: Hello to all listening, my name is...A little about me is...YOUR UNCOMMONALITY | 1 - 2 MinutesWhat is something most people don't know about you? It can be a hobby, interest, talent, etc.EXAMPLE: Something most people don't know about me is that I'm an avid...YOUR BACKSTORY | 3 - 5 MinutesWhat got you interested in your profession?EXAMPLE: As far as my profession, it all started when...YOUR PROFESSION | 2 - 3 MinutesWhat do you do day to day and what makes what you do unique to others?EXAMPLE: Day to day I...What makes what I do unique is...YOUR REALIZATION | 3 - 5 MinutesWhen did you realize working in your space would be a long-term career choice? What's the story to it?EXAMPLE: I knew I'd be working in X long-term when Y...YOUR FUTURE | 2 - 3 MinutesWhere do you see yourself five years from now? What kinds of achievements do you plan to make?EXAMPLE: As far as the near future, I see the following taking place...My goals include...YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION | 1 - 2 MinutesWhy should others consider connecting with you when it comes to your expertise?EXAMPLE: As far as my expertise goes, I best help...YOUR TOOLS FOR SUCCESS | 1 - 2 MinutesWhat technologies do you use that help to make you most effective at your work?EXAMPLE: In my line of work, these tools really help me get things done...YOUR DESIRED DINNER GUEST | 1 - 2 MinutesWho would you like to have dinner with, where would you go, and what would you discuss?
It can be anyone alive or in history.EXAMPLE: If I were to dine with anyone it would be....YOUR PIECE OF WISDOM | 1 - 2 MinutesWhat piece of wisdom would you like to share with listeners as a parting thought?EXAMPLE: As a parting thought, you can make it happen when you go for it.
By participating in the interview, you agree to allow us to record, distribute, and disseminate the podcast.
You also agree to allow us to retain rights to the produced media for potential future use in speeches, books, products, and public distribution.
Record your answers in one session in a quiet place with the best audio quality possible. If you lack professional recording equipment, your smartphone in a quiet environment should suffice. Simply answer each question in order as outlined. If your file exceeds the upload limit, email it to podcastefy@gmail.com, ensuring all other questions are still answered.